Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Family Update

Jackson: I'm able to do a hand stand up a wall, I surprised mom today with my new trick.  I'm still in Spanish class at school and preparing for a Spring Program for the parents in May.  My vocabulary is continually expanding, using large words in proper context is impressing the 'rents.  I've been working hard to remember to do my chores so I can early my allowance.  I earn 50 cents a day if I remember to set the table and vacuum under the table after meals, empty garbage cans around the house and on Wednesdays bring in the trash barrels. 

Addie: I am starting to play well with others and understand more about what it means to play "together".  I still love helping around the house and am more than willing to wipe up my own spills and start the dishwasher and washing machine for mom.  The nice weather has been a great deal, I would much rather be outside riding my big wheel and swinging than doing just about anything.  My feet don't touch the pedals yet on the big wheel, but I don't mind scooting myself along. I'm a snuggle kid lately and am often found giving hugs and kisses to those I love, it's a bit new for me to be so snuggley but I think everyone is really digging it.

Ron: My work schedule has made it hard to do much of anything lately.  I'm never quite sure day-to-day what is going to be on the agenda so I've had to be flexible.  I put windows in last year's wood-working project, the shed.  It was always the plan to add windows but time ran out last year.  I've also still been up to making cremation remains boxes for those requesting. I've recently dealt with some health issues that kept me down for a couple of weeks.... kidney stones are no joke.

Sara: I am still found in the kitchen once a week baking my little heart out and loving the new project.  I've also picked up another new hobby: running.  I tried running before Jackson was born but I didn't make it very far.  Last summer I ran a bit but mostly did a run/walk kind of thing.  This time around I'm getting serious, I'm training for a 5K that Ron and I will be doing together on our anniversary.  Most likely we won't actually be doing it "together" since he runs almost a three minute faster mile than me but it will still be fun.  I've got a little over one week left to train.  Wish me luck!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Likes and Dislikes

Jackson Likes: looking at things through a microscope, cake with ice cream, playing with Legos, ocean liners, peas, riding his bike along side his mom when she's running, sleepovers in a tent with Luke, Star Wars, wearing bib overalls, wrestling with his sister, doing easy addition problems, pistachio cake, going to the library, Classical music, karate class, learning to swim and watching Dungeons and Dragons.

Jackson Doesn't Like: To eat at Wendy's, smelly things, writing his name, things that don't work and running out of battery life.

Addie Likes: Swinging, singing songs, reading stories, cheese, playing with her dolls, going for walks, playing at the park, dancing shoes, brushing her teeth, talking to people, playing rough, swimming and playtime at the gym.

Addie Doesn't Like: she's not a big fan of sweets, barrettes and bows in her hair, the dentist looking in her mouth and getting dirty.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Jackson has been hard at work using new math skills.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Karate lesson

And he is loving it!

Rain day

Today Ron was sick so I stayed home from work. As I looked at the rain coming down I knew we needed a plan. Jackson came up with a list of things that would be fun to do on a rainy day.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012


I mean, come on... does it get better than this?  Addie is not a snuggle kid, Jackson is my snuggle kid.  So I really enjoyed this rare moment with my girl: