Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Boys will be boys...

The joys I have to look forward to:

Today on the way home from school, Jackson was watching the snow falling from the backseat talking about the snowman we would build when we returned home. As we came to the next stop sign, I slowly pushed in the break we started sliding a bit, and the anti-lock breaks kicked in. As they do, they made a loud grinding noise before we came safely to a stop. To which Jackson replied "You farted" and then "you farted" again. When I explained to him that I did not fart and that it was the noise of the breaks stopping the tires he said: "Mommy, you farted". And as we drove the next three blocks home he proceeded to tell me that I farted about twenty two times. Thank goodness I was able to distract him when we got home by playing in the snow, attempting to make a snow man and snow angels.

P.S. I didn't fart.

Playing guitar

Jackson really likes playing guitars, and now he needs to use a pick, just like Daddy does:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Making me smile...

I ended up sick myself on Sunday evening and spent Monday on the couch trying to get better. Ron took Jackson downstairs to "work on a project" and when they came back up to check on me, Jackson asked "What doin' mommy?" And I responded by telling him that I was relaxing. He then proceeded to climb on the couch, lean on a pillow and say "I laxin' too, mommy."

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well the symptoms came on strong overnight last night. Jackson woke up with a fever of 102.8 and was complaining that his ear hurt. Ron took him in to the doctor while I stayed home to get some work done, and sure enough, he has an ear infection. Poor kid seemed to be in a lot of pain. Now he's on antibiotics and Motrin and asleep in Mom and Dad's bed. (He wouldn't go down in his crib, so I finally gave into cartoons and snuggles in our bed.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thanks Dame and Tasha!

I am having a blast painting with my new gear from Dame and Tasha!

Sick today...

Jackson is home sick today. He doesn't seem to be showing any symptoms, maybe a slight runny nose and a small cough, but barely anything. The problem is a fever, 101.7 this morning. He's still smiling and is having fun staying home playing.


Jackson is really starting to take to coloring:
He can make a circle, and pretends to color all sorts of things.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday Feature: Jackson's Likes and Dislikes

Yes, it's Tuesday again, but with the holiday, it's like Monday for me.

Jackson Likes: Non-Dairy Spinach Pizza, Valentine's suckers, going hiking at Wild River State Park, books about bugs, washing his puppy dogs in the shower, playing with tools, The Good Night Show, watching for airplanes, trail mix and heart-shaped pancakes.

Jackson Doesn't Like: Putting on his jacket to go to school, getting out of the shower and going down for a nap.

Tools Jackson knows: Drill, screwdriver, hammer, plane, wrench, hack saw, saw, allen wrench, monkey wrench, table saw, drill bit, drill press, router, jigsaw, square, calliper, nails, screws, bolts, clamps. (Ron will probably have more to add when he reads this)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A photo booth...

While waiting in line for our membership cards at Underwater Adventures on Sunday the photo booth behind us started to call our names. I have a lot of fond memories of photo booth experiences (how many heads can fit in one small photo?? Answer: A lot). Here are the results of Jackson's first photo booth experience:

Jacket on mama...

Jackson decided when he got home from school on Tuesday that he didn't want to take his jacket off. Even when Ron set his place at dinner, he didn't think taking his jacket off was a good idea. Some days it's just easier not to argue:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Whose kid is this?....

He's learned from his mama that there is no point moving too far from the fridge when you are hungry.

And he's learned from his daddy that the hat doesn't have to be cute the keep the old noggin' warm.

Monday Feature (on Tuesday) Likes and Dislikes:

Jackson Likes: Reading Curious George on the potty, bowling, going for walks in the wagon, hot chocolate, Bumpers cereal, Go Diego Go, being tickled, visiting mommy at work, french fries, brocolli, drinking milk out of the bottom of the cereal bowl.

Jackson Doesn't Like: Sharks, live alligators, nap time.

We have now experience three nap free days over the weekend and Monday. I'm curious to see how childcare goes today. He seems to fall asleep for a few minutes, but then wakes right back up and refuses to nap anymore. What are we going to do without naptime???

Monday, February 9, 2009

A weekend of fun...

I haven't been making the blog much of a priority lately, sorry for the lack of photos. Between research papers, homework, real work, taking care of a two-year old, and trying to keep up on housework (of which, I am failing) I'm getting behind on downloading photos. Thankfully, I am not slacking on taking the photos!

This weekend was a busy one, filled with lots of fun. Jackson and I met our friends Cari and Henry at the Java Train which we just love. Jackson plays in the caboose while I sit with Cari and baby Henry sipping my half-caff vanilla latte, it's enjoyable for all. And since we were so close we made a stop in at Lamperts to say hello to the folks there.

On Saturday we headed to Bumpa's for a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes and eggs benedict (I'm getting hungry just thinking about it). Jackson spent the afternoon with Grandma Pam so that I could get a massive paper written on the supply and demand of specialty coffee and the price elasticity of Starbucks coffee... thrilling, don't you think?

While I was busy reading Starbuck's annual report, Ron phoned to tell me he had a bit of a racquetball accident and was off to urgent care. He managed to need four stitches above his left eye, in almost the exact spot of an old injury, and has a black eye to go along with it.

And Sunday, the day I look forward to all week so that we can all be together, we made our way to Underwater Adventures. We loved it so much we decided to buy a membership! We ate at Subway where Jackson enjoyed a chicken breast and his first potato chips. This was also the first time we've tried eating out, since figuring out Jackson's allergies, and it was a success.

Since the temperatures finally made it beyond the freezing mark, we bundled Jackson up in a blanket, buckled him in the wagon, slapped some hot chocolate in his mittens, and went out for a neighborhood walk. It felt so good to get more of that fresh air! It was a bit depressing to have to sludge through the snow in front of the homes that were foreclosed on our block. It's a tough time out there, and I am thankful that we are both employed.

On Sunday afternoon we made a trip to the mall so I could stock up a bit on my wardrobe. We stumbled upon Sears' 75% off toy sale, like we need anymore toys in our house. But we got an Elmo farm and a bowling set all for $11, can't beat that. I wonder how long it will take before we tire of setting up bowling pins? While at the mall we made our second attempt at a carousel ride. The first one at the state fair, went poorly. He loved it this time around! He waved at everyone and smiled as we went around and around. He didn't want to get off and wanted to get right back on when he did. We'll be riding the carousel from now on at the mall! (The photo is not great as it was taken with Ron's camera phone.)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Feature: Jackson's Likes and Dislikes

Jackson likes: The Bee Movie, helping to make his lunch, coloring, playing with his Little People Airport, reading Curious George, going swimming at the Maplewood Community Center, drink boxes. And clowns, the bouncing team, waving at princesses, marching bands, fire trucks and police cars all at the Torchlight parade.

Jackson doesn't like: the hot air balloon fire torches at the Torchlight parade.