Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Boys will be boys...

The joys I have to look forward to:

Today on the way home from school, Jackson was watching the snow falling from the backseat talking about the snowman we would build when we returned home. As we came to the next stop sign, I slowly pushed in the break we started sliding a bit, and the anti-lock breaks kicked in. As they do, they made a loud grinding noise before we came safely to a stop. To which Jackson replied "You farted" and then "you farted" again. When I explained to him that I did not fart and that it was the noise of the breaks stopping the tires he said: "Mommy, you farted". And as we drove the next three blocks home he proceeded to tell me that I farted about twenty two times. Thank goodness I was able to distract him when we got home by playing in the snow, attempting to make a snow man and snow angels.

P.S. I didn't fart.

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