Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Random thoughts...

  • There is so much going on right now that I feel like it's overwhelming to blog about what goes on in our lives.

  • Ron's dad went into a nursing home a few weeks ago.  Jackson and I have still yet to get over to his new digs for a visit.  That is going to have to be a priority soon.

  • Coming back from vacation I had 1603 emails to tend to.  That is ridiculous.

  • I am in a Quantitative Management course this round, so far it's all statitistics.  It's going to kick my arse and keep me up nights pulling out my hair.  (that should be fun)

  • I'm old.  I went dancing last night with girlfriends.  I was wearing more clothes and less makeup than anyone in the joint, except the dudes.  My dance moves do not involve poles and I'm not willing to be filmed to be on a commerical  for the bar.

  • Ron is at a movie with Cory and I'm going to stop writing now so that I can enjoy at least one episode of United States of Tara before I fall asleep.
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