Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Early Sunday morning Addie woke up calling out from her bedroom, she wanted to be in mom and dad's bed.  I brought her back in to snuggle and try to get her back to sleep.  I knew she must not have been feeling all that well, there was a lot of heavy coughing noises coming from her room thoughout the night.

We watched a bit of tv and then decided to all get back to sleep.  It was dark in our room when Addie sat straight up.  I felt her tummy gurgle and I put my hand to her mouth just in time. I did what any mother would do... I caught her vomit.  All was going to be okay until the girl coughed.  What a mess!?!

It may have just been a fluke because the rest of the day was without incident. And she was so cute later on snuggled on the couch snoring away.

1 comment:

Pam Leier said...

Poor "beautiful" baby!