Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fire hydrant...

Jackson and the corner fire hydrant had a little go around (the fire hydrant left a mark.) He's lately taken to eating apples, something new, but I need to take the first bites to expose the white parts.


Ed Leier said...

I am sorry he got the mark on his eye, and from a fire hydrant. When he gets bigger I will show him how to deal with a fire hydrant

Pam Leier said...

It is funny how the inert objects always win when you fall. I am glad Jackson is okay and he doesn't have to wear a patch on his eye like a Pirate (rrr baby as Jackson would say). I love the apple story!
Grandma Pam

Tinker said...

That was Jacksons bad day. Then it was Luke's on Easter. They each take turns with the booboos