Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Friday, December 17, 2010


Jackson is definitely a bundle of energy these days making life a little challenging for those around him.  He doesn't listen and needs to be told again and again to do something leaving us pulling our hair out just getting out of the door.  Every day is a challenge but I'm hoping that these characteristics, while not great ones for a child will make him a very successful adult.

Thankfully when he's at school, it's a different story.  His teachers tell me he is always the first one sitting on the line with a bubble in his mouth (meant to keep him quiet) and follows directions very well.  I don't know what their secret is but I'm just glad to hear he is capable.

I wish that I had the time to write everything that he says down or the memory to hold onto the most entertaining tidbits.  For instance today on the way to school, provoked by nothing he says:

Jackson: I'm going to not live here someday.
Mom: Why?  Where are you going?
Jackson: Someday I'm going to live at college.
Mom:  Yes, you will someday.
Jackson: But it's okay, I'll bring a phone and call you guys.

I then asked him if he was going to go to college in Minnesota or if he intended to go somewhere in another state.  He assured me that he would stay in Minnesota so I didn't need to drive very far to go see him.  Thankfully we have loads good schools to choose from in Minnesota so I don't need to push him any farther from the nest.  It's hard to believe that someday we will be empty-nesters... right now as I look around my kitchen-- it's a mess!  Sippy cups lining the sink, a bucket of snacks under the kitchen table and breakfast scraps on the floor... I will miss all of these things greatly when the kids aren't making their messes throughout my home.


Ed Leier said...

Jackson is an amazing young man he has lots of sprit. he will test you he tested me to day once. He understood who was in charge once that was settled it was a lot of funthe rest of the day with him. He used his mannors all the time and he is fun to talk to.Sara you and Ron just need to show him who is the boss.I hope Ron is feeling better,I gave jackson the remedy for what ails Ron

Pam Leier said...

When my daughter was a little girl she was smart and determined to make her own decisions. I remember thinking...this is a wonderful trait for an adult to possess, but a difficult trait for a child. Well...the childhood years are long gone and I am so very proud of how smart and determined my daugther is and I am glad that she never lost the trait she possessed at an early age.