Allergy progress: On Friday we tried soy milk. A little bit for breakfast, a glass at lunch and one at dinner. It looked like he did fine, though he did have two tiny little red spots at bed time, but I don't think it was related. So, we tried the same thing on Saturday, and all went well. We'll put it on the maybe list (because of the two red spots) and take him back off for now.
Today is officially the start of our new schedule. I will be working a long day in the office on Mondays (while Ron is home with Jackson), staying home with Jackson the rest of the week, and working from home in the early mornings and evenings. It's a full schedule, and leaves basically no time to play, any free time will be used to do homework. I'm doing all of this to get a handle on Jackson's food allergies.
However, for the start of our "project", Jackson woke up with a rash all over his face! Ugh. And it looks as though Ron is going to have to go into work, because one of his lifeguards has injured himself. So we aren't really starting off on the foot I had hoped for, the right one.
It's possible that the lunch meat that we got could have been the culprit, though I have doubts. It's an organic product, contains chicken and sodium lactate (my research showed that this was not a potential allergy). The label also said that good practices were used to prevent any contamintation from other allergens. He ate the lunch meat at 5:30pm and at 8:30 when Ron put him to bed he was just fine.
Is it possible that something in his bed irritated him? I suppose so, so I took everything out and put it in the washing machine with Tide Free again this morning.
Or is it the fact that he has a cold of some sort and is pretty snotty? He potentially slept with snot all over his face during the night. Or maybe it has something to do with cutting his canine teeth.
We are going to do everything we can to get his face cleared up today so that we can try a new food tomorrow.