Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Monday, November 16, 2009


Jackson is really trying hard to be a good big brother. Sometimes he is much too rough with Addie, and he doesn't realize that she will wake up when he covers her completely with a blanket. It's obvious though that he loves her and is just trying to be sweet. I do notice when all attention is on Addie he gets a bit melancholy and sometimes even bows his head, it breaks my heart in two. Addie is so needy right now and our free time is spent packing, so I know that Jackson is missing out on a lot of the one on one attention he is used to. Once we move into the new house I have to make a better effort to spend some quality time with him. (The shirt that he is wearing in this photo is one that Ron brought back from his recent trip to Texas, the guitars glow in the dark!)

On Sunday morning, we did just that: Jackson and I went to the grocery store together and really had a good time. I think he appreciated getting all of mom's attention. We picked out donuts for breakfast and ordered coffee and best of all Jackson got his own hot chocolate and helped me to carry the groceries to the car. I had a very nice time spending the morning with the boy.

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