Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Family Update

Addie: I have learned to stand up as you can see from the video below.  I'm having fun with my new skills and even mastered it in the bathtub and on Mom and Dad's bed. I think I'll wait awhile to take my first step, it's kind of fun to have mom and dad encouraging me.  My two incisor teeth are trying to make their way through my gums making for some rough moments of sleep, but when I cry out mom or dad comes to the rescue to find my nuk and pat my butt.  My favorite time of day is meal time and I'm happy as long as there is food in front of me, and if there isn't I will whine, grunt and point until I get what I want. I am still drinking from a bottle before I go to bed, but mom tells me I need to give that up soon.  I am happy to get cozied up in my crib around 8pm as long as I'm a bit drowsy I will drift off to sleep all on my own and besides one waking when I can't seem to find my nuk I sleep until 7am or so.

Jackson: I am thriving in school.  I love group time, where we read stories, sing songs, dance and participate in other group activities.  My friends at school are Isaac, Hugh and Julia... but just so you know, Isaac is my best-buddy.  I am taking a Spanish class once per week and love playing Que Color? with my mom.  I'm pretty good at most colors but it's more fun to ask Mommy.  I'm going through a growth spurt and love having maple and brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast, some days even having TWO bowls.  After school most days, we have 30 minutes or so before Dad and Addie get home that I work on homework; I'm practicing patterns and letters and learning rhyming words.  Mom and Dad went to conferences last week and were very proud of my progress.  I didn't know it but I was not getting enough sleep and sometimes having trouble listening and following directions in the evenings because I was just plain tired.  Mom and Dad moved my bed time up by almost and hour and I'm feeling much better about it.

Ron: I've got my first product up on my Etsy site. You can check it out here: Ron's Etsy Site. My big event at the community center is Spooky Splash this Saturday. I thought it would be fun to create some of those picture boards that kids could take their pictures in during the event. Sara came up with some designs and we worked to create some pretty neat ones! I'm still in volleyball on Thursday evenings and trying to get out with friends on occasion.

Sara: I am finishing up a Policies and Strategies course and about to start eight more weeks of intense school work on Monday. I have just signed myself up for more responsibilities at work and hope to continue to carve a path for myself and my career. The photography opportunities seem to keep cropping up and I am loving getting out there with my camera. I've started Christmas shopping, which is well ahead of my usual routine so that the holidays don't seem so crazy.

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