Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Wiggles are coming...

So far Jackson has not been interested in television. We've tried on a few occasions to pop in a video or turn on a program to keep him busy for a few minutes. We've tried Teletubbies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Caliou and Dora but nothing has kept Jackson's attention beyond the first 30 seconds.

I know this is a good thing. I would much rather Jackson play with pots and pans, and run around the living room than watch TV. Sometimes though, when either Ron or I are not feeling well, it would be nice to have him interested is something that keeps him still for a bit so that we can relax.

This was the case on Friday, I was having some crazy bouts of vertigo. Ron went into work for a couple hours, and I just needed Jackson to sit in my lap, and be still for a bit. I had recorded an episode of The Wiggles earlier in the week to try, and so I turned it on... it worked! For almost 20 minutes, it worked! Yay! Jackson danced and clapped his knees to the music of The Wiggles.

I've just read that The Wiggles will be in the Twin Cities on August 7. I wonder if by then, Jackson will appreciate them for more than 20 minutes and would enjoy the whole show?


Pam Leier said...

I think he is a bit like his Mom & Dad and not really all that interested in TV. I also remember that his Mommy wasn't interested in sitting still for too long when she was younger. I got 1/2 hour a day to myself when Mr. Rogers was on and that was it!!!
Grandma Pam

Tinker said...

Malak didn't sit still until he was much older. I remember Cat and the Hat with Mike Meyers was the first movie he watched all the way through. What a mistake, we had to watch it everyday for a week. hehe Malak likes action, the more the better, might try that.