Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Monday, June 28, 2010

Slippin' and a slidin'...

He looks like he's having a blast but really he needed to be forced to do this:


Ed Leier said...

will he do it again or would he have to be forced?

Sara said...

Forced! However I did finally get him to go down the twisty slide at the park. I put him down half of it and kept moving him farther up until we were almost at the top. It took 15 times and then I had to go down with him on my lap for five or so times before he'd do it on his own.

But when he came home he was proud to tell his daddy that he went down the twisty slide by himself.

Ed Leier said...

He is a nervous nelly. I wonder where he got that? well as he grows he will get bolder lets hope not to bold. I hope the book I bought him and Addie shows up today if not I will just have to read an old one tonight

Tinker said...

Too funny! He does look like he likes it.