Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The big cheese around town...

My mom scored us free Saints tickets a while back and we were lucky enough to have our friends Libby and Cory join for another summer evening with The Saints. The four of us have managed to have some rather crazy (read: slightly over served) times at Midway Stadim together. One year we road a bus from Bierstubes all over the Twin Cities to the stadium, provided with what else? Free beer the ENTIRE evening. Well, I am not one to let a good bargain go to waste and neither are my friends(this is another story, for another day, a day that shouldn't be recorded forever on the Internets).

So anyhow, it was fitting that the four of us should head off on another Saints adventure together. This night was a little more tame, as we've all gotten older and well, let's face it: lamer. But we did manage throw in a little excitment. Libby and I (Libby's idea) signed the boys up at Fan Services to do a cottage cheese toss! Poor Ron and Cory wanted none to do with this escapade but reluctantly participated. How was I supposed to know that the loser would have the entire 10 ft container of cottage cheese dumped over his head?? Poor Ron.

1 comment:

Tinker said...

Are you serious? They dumped cottage cheese over Rockin Ron's head? Awesome, wish I would have been there to see that! He is a good sport.