Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Random thoughts...

  • I'm wondering how to get my boy's feet measured without having to go to Stride Rite. I'm not a fan of spending $50 on shoes he will outgrow so quickly.
  • Why is Jackson sporting fighting moves so often? They don't do Karate kicks on Noggin' and it isn't like I exercise to Tae Bo... okay, exercise at all!
  • Who is Jackson talking to all the time?
  • So far we are on day three of dry underpants!
  • You are at Como park, baby is finally packed in her carseat and the boy tells you he has to go to the bathroom. What do you do?
  • I hope letting him pee in the parking lot is your answer.
  • If it isn't... it's not what I would do either.
  • It's not a meerdog Jackson, it's a meercat
  • Mylicon drops are helping, thanks Joanna.
  • I'm thinking of making Moroccan chicken soup this weekend, sounds good doesn't it? Now let's see if I get to it.

    Tinker said...

    I think Famous Footwear has one of those metal thingies to measure his foot. Peeing in the parking lot is fine. Malak had to do that in the bushes when he was that age while we were watching a parade. hehe

    Pam Leier said...

    I don't have answers to all your questions but, I think Jackson is talking to Jenny.
    Yippy on the dry underware (I think girls wear underpants.
    Young and old it is the same...go when you gotta go...just don't get caught going where you shouldn't.
    Where to you find Moroccan chickens other than Morocco?