Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A family update:

Addie:  I am getting my canine teeth poking through and yesterday was a rough day because of it but today I'm feeling better about it.  I love bringing books to grown-ups so that they can read them to me,  my favorites lately have been Chika Chika Boom Boom, Opposites, Mickey's Shoe, and Who's Laughing. I can get up on the couch without any help and love to climb up to sit next to Jackson, mom hovers over me afraid that I will fall at any moment. 

Here is the update!
Jackson: This week is Winter Carnival week at school.  On Tuesday I wore a stocking hat in class, today my pajamas and tomorrow I have to dress like a snowman!  I hope mom comes up with something good... she was looking for a top hat earlier.  And then on Friday we get to wear our beach clothes!  I am busy playing Playmobil a lot lately, the new camping set I got for my birthday has been a lot of fun.  I'm starting to practice all of my letter writing, since the beginning of school in September we have been doing a letter every week.  Next week we'll be on O... I'm already really good at making Os (they are really just circles). 

Ron: I am working on shop cabinets for my garage workshop so that I have the ultimate shop come Spring.  I set up shop in the living room while Sara was in NY... she wasn't thrilled when she came home so I had to move back to the garage which slows down production (it's been below zero).  I saw Tesla with some friends at Treasure Island Casino last weekend.  I am also getting involved a bit in our city government and will be attending some planning meetings in the near future, I hope to increase my role over the years.

Sara: I am spread relatively thin these days and my immune system is taking a hit.  Work has been incredibly busy and I've been working some evenings and feeling a lot of pressure from my responsibilities.  School is picking up now that the semester is started, I'm also needing to finish early so that I can be done in time for vacation.  I celebrated a birthday in a very low-key and understated way.  My mom came over to make my family tacos and play games, we had a lot of fun!  And now I'm 33: which now means that I need Spanx (I think that's what they are called) to look good in a dress, that the line between my eyes is now permanent, I can only have two beers in one sitting, the dark circles are only getting darker.  And really it's all pretty easy to deal with, I am wiser and have a world full of great people to surround me.

1 comment:

Pam Leier said...

The cutest snowman ever!