Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Monday, April 21, 2008

A fever again...

Jackson woke up with a slight fever yesterday morning, but seemed to do alright. We had a great day playing outside, going for a walk, getting yard work done, and having a scrumptious dinner off of the grill (steak, asparagus, and a salad). Jackson really loves the asparagus.

On a side note: We all know what asparagus does to our urine. I find it interesting though that the same does not happen for Jackson?!?!?

Last night Jackson had a fever again before bed, so we gave him some Tylenol. After every dropper full Jackson says "More, more" while signing frantically. When I was a kid, I was that way with Pepto Bismal, couldn't get enough of the stuff. Ick.

The Tylenol didn't do the trick and he woke up again this morning with a thermometer reading of 101.8. We tried Motrin this time. I guess we'll see what happens next.

It seems odd to me that he keeps getting these fevers without much else for symptoms.

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