Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby care...

Jackson is adjusting to life with a baby sister, some moments are better than others. He does enjoy helping to give Addie a bath, he gets her bathtub and brings it to the kitchen sink for me, climbs up on the stepstool and is in charge of using the rag on her. On Sunday I caught him trying to put one of Addie's diapers on a doll, so I just had to take a picture.

Occasionally there are moments of jealously, like when I bring Addie into his room with me to wake him from sleep he will sometimes say "put her down". But overall Jackson is really taking to being a big brother and always remembers to give her a kiss on her head when he's off to bed at night.


Tinker said...

Oh I love that he is helping you. Let him practice all he wants! When he has it down, he can change Addie. hehe

Pam Leier said...

How you & Ron have said...Jackson has aged so much since Addie was born. He is not "the baby" anymore.

Tinker said...

The girls at work loved the picture I sent of Jackson changing the doll! They just thought that was so great!