Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jackson and the potty...

We have been having success with potty training lately. We've had a few accidents, but he is able to go an entire day keeping a pair of underwear dry, with the exception of nap time and bed time. Just now I was busy on a telephone call and Jackson stopped what he was doing, ran to the bathroom, went pee, flushed the toilet, pulled up his pants, and got up on the stool to wash his hands entirely by himself! We need to put the taller stool in the bathroom because the only thing he can't do is reach the facet controls by himself. I am so proud of this little boy!

Speaking of bathroom moments:
Yesterday while he was helping me to give Addie a bath he told me to wash her penis. I told him that Addie didn't have a penis, she is a girl. I thought I made out pretty easy because that was the end of the conversation. However, later in the day when I went to the bathroom he asked if I had a penis. I told him I did not, because I am a girl. His response? "Let me see!" Uh... not right now. :)


Ed Leier said...

Well he asked the same question of me on Saturday. I took the easy way out and told him to ask you. Haha

Tinker said...

Wait until he askes if you poop babies out of your butt. That is one I had to work around. hehe

Cari said...

Whoo hoo!!!