Keeping Up with Ron, Sara, Jackson and Addie

Friday, September 11, 2009

Random thoughts of the day...

It's tough to compose a meaningful post anymore, there isn't time and my brain can't put more than one thought together these days. So here are my random thoughts today:

  • I'm pretty sure gingersnaps are my favorite cookie
  • Taking two kids to Michael's was over-ambitious
  • Potty training has created a lot more laundry than I anticipated
  • Pasta with soy cheese and mixed veggies was a hit for lunch
  • I love that there is a Caribou drive-thru and I do mean LOVE
  • I find it odd that Ron and I went to Best Buy with Addie while my dad had Jackson and I feel like I had a "date night"
  • I am addicted to watching Shark Tank while feeding Addie when Jackson is napping
  • Jackson has had two time-outs before noon today (this is not good)
  • I had one gingersnap cookie for lunch today
  • We bought felt and googley eyes for craft projects
  • I was brought to tears as I drove down White Bear Avenue and saw part of the memorial service for the NSP police officer that was shot and killed this week
  • It put a smile on my face to see all of the business' billboards that used the space to thank the officer

1 comment:

Tinker said...

At least all your random thoughts are clean ones. hehe